August 25, 2005

Still here...

For those of you stalking to see if anything has happened yet. ;) Looks like I might actually go to my due date. So much for the dr saying I'd go early...damn I wish she hadn't said that. Nothing like getting me all anxious for nothing... But anyway.

I have an appt tomorrow morning and she will strip my membranes to see if that does anything. Remember, to her I'm overdue now. Her due date for me was yesterday. So MAYBE something will happen over the weekend. Which is typical, 'cuz Jon is scheduled to start building our new fence on Saturday. Good timing...

Tks to all for the aftercare tips btw. And to answer the MW/doula question, I'd have LOVED to have either. I think I was in complete denial about being pg again so by the time I thot it might be a nice thing to have, it was pretty much too late. :( Too bad would have been nice to have someone to stand up and speak for me when I'm incapable. Jon was great last time, but he didn't really do the research I had and was in the dark abt lots of things to do with the labour and delivery. He also hated to see me in pain and I'm pretty sure he'll suggest I take the epi this time if I have back labour again. And I'll prolly cave. But who that he's been thru it once he might be a little more in tune with what's going on.

Anyway, stay tuned!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure you both (all three??) will do great!! Little guy must be pretty comfy!!!

26/8/05 17:24  

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