May 16, 2006

Our Green Toddler initiative update

As seen over at Andrea's and an update on our seed planting, I'm proud to say that we have growth! It took some careful watering and Cael talking to them ("hi little seeds! you grow now."), but we have success! So far...

A week ago:

And today!

The larger leafed ones are green peppers and the small ones are pansies. The one in the pop bottle will go in its own pot right outside the patio door so he can see it and water it himself. The smaller ones are for me to do what I want. Smaller pots on the patio tables I guess. I'd say that I'd put them here and there in my front flower beds, but I bit the bullet last week and bought a mess of small perennials to fill up the space! Its a hard bed to plant annuals in. No matter what I put there, they get fried and look like shite by the end of the summer. Actually, more like by the end of July. So I stuck some asters, ice plants, dianthus and...something that starts with C... Coreopsis. We'll see how they do. Oh, and I stuck a clematis between my hostas. The whole "head in the sun, feet in the shade" thing. Its doing very well already. Climbing its trellis like a pro, even tho its wee.

Its very cute...Cael will get up every morning and announce "My seeds are growing mommy! I water..."

Oh, and we'll also plant some carrots. I found these seeds while cleaning up...the kit also came with tomatoes and cukes, but I think I would have had to start them inside already. The carrots I can plant right in a pot outside. Maybe this weekend if the rain ever stops... The package says these ones are perfect for container planting. We'll see... Carrots happen to be one of the only vegetables Cael will eat, so I thot he might get a kick out of growing them.

Andrea, I REALLY was going to come in and post this today, regardless of your own gardening post. Funny coincidence. ;)

As for other green activities, we went for a rain walk at the tulip festival on Mother's day. It wasn't supposed to be a rain walk...when we left the house it was cloudy, but not rainy. Five minutes after we left, it started raining. But we went anyway. We don't mind the rain, but if it had been raining when we left, I'd have dressed Cael in his rubber boots and little MEC rainsuit that he never ever gets to wear... :(


Blogger ccw said...

Sounds like Cael is really enjoying his role as a gardener. So cute!

I wish the weather would warm up and stop raining here. I would love to get out of the house.

16/5/06 09:17  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha! That is funny. What a coincidence.

Glad to see CAel is enjoying it, too.

18/5/06 20:41  

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