July 10, 2006

Some scrapping pages...

Since its on my mind and I have a few minutes...

Canada day:




They aren't anything super special, but I've had fun creating!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


They are SOOO Beautiful!! (I especially love the Fall one, it's my favorite time of year) Amazing job Tanya! You always were quite creative... I would love to learn the "Art of Scrapping". I think my biggest obstacle would be finding the time, and of course trying to decide which pictures actually make it onto the page. And there's only twelve years/three kids worth of pictures to go through, so it shouldn't be too hard, right? RIGHT??? (was that a snicker?) There are usually scrapping classes at the local "community schools" in the fall, maybe I'll look into it. I'd love to have some beautiful keepsakes to give my children when they're older.

11/7/06 14:29  
Blogger Gina said...

OMG!!! another scrapper! I love the layouts! How dare you say they are nothing super special...I would give my eye teeth for layouts like these...Let me ask you...Do you plan the layout around the photo or do you plan the layout first then see which photo fits it...?

12/7/06 12:24  
Blogger ccw said...

So pretty!

I don't scrapbook, but we made a joke one for my mom for her birthday and it was so much fun.

13/7/06 10:04  
Blogger Tanya said...

amy, the art? ha! a lot of my ideas come from other people's websites...its sad really. and i prolly won't do as much for the kids as i would have if i'd started from the beginning. i'm scrambling now to kind of catch up...i figure i'll do pages for neat stuff only, not every single milestone like some do.

and i think the fall one is my fave so far. tho i'm working on a pool themed one right now that i think is gonna turn out great! i got a bunch of new inks and pigment powders recently (such. a. geek...), so i'd like to play around with them!

jersey, tks! :D as for planning, it depends. sometimes i see a l/o i'd like to take elements from and try to find a photo that would go with it and other times i take (or remember having taken...) a photo with a certain theme and plan the page according to the style or colours or whatever.

ccw, i thot of doing something similar for my mom (she turned 50 last month) but just wasn't organized enuf. maybe i'll do a christmas one for her or somthing.

13/7/06 14:27  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hee hee hee hee hee


Don't blame me! Just remember that. I didn't twist your arm.

They're very nice. I'll have to post some of mine soon.

14/7/06 15:08  
Blogger Tanya said...

haha! noooo, i don't blame you at all. neither does jon when i drop another wad of cash at michael's. ;)

i do enjoy it. even tho it takes me FOREVER to completely finish a page. and i have so much stuff (inks, stamps, different lettering options, papers, embellishments [most of them purchased "just in case i ever do a ____ page"], fibres, etc. etc. etc...) that sometimes i don't know where to start. i guess hoarding before i started creating was a mistake...lol!

14/7/06 16:16  
Blogger ccw said...

Tanya, my mom's book was for her 50th. It was a book of nothing but her namesake grandchild. Of course said grandchild happens to be a plastic doll. It was hysterical! She laughed and cried when she opened it, so worth all of the time it took to make.

20/7/06 09:24  
Blogger LJ said...

your pages are beautiful!! simple yet sweet! not too much clutter, the main focus the photos. Wonderful! thank you for the inspiration.

31/7/06 10:08  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love your scrap pages!!! you are doing awesome!

7/8/06 01:48  

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