Exciting happenings
I'm trying to remember any crucial news or almost news from the past month. I have to admit that I've been around a lot, reading other blogs etc. Just a little pre-occupied with the holidays and not much into writing anything. Not even emails...I have lots of emails to write this week. Ok, in point form and random order...
- Cael was exposed to chicken pox the week before Christmas. So we were (and still are...he could break out anytime before mid-month) on spot watch. Nothing so far...
- MIL visit before Christmas wasn't terrible. I KNOW!! I was surprised too! There's almost always something that she says/does that I just have to shake my head at. Her gifts were also kinda thoughtful, which is a nice change from last year.
- Cael is almost done with teething! One of his two year molars came thru over the holidays and earlier today he was saying his mouth was "icky", which means itchy. I assume that means sore...
- We might have a diabetic cat. The Fat One ( a.k.a. Newton) has been drinking a lot since before Christmas, as well as snacking more than usual without gaining any weight. His mood has been great and he's been more playful lately than he has been in years, but I know I have to take him in to see what treatment he needs. So that should be interesting.
- I've started giving Iain solids. His eating was getting out of hand and I had to try. He just started waking earlier and earlier in the morning. I think his earliest was 3:40. And he was up for good. Nothing I could do to get him back down before eating, and even after that it would be his usual up for 2 hours before being ready for a nap. Then he'd only sleep for an hour at the most 'cuz he was hungry. It sucked. He was tired, I was tired...not good. Anyway, I know its early since "they" now say to wait 6 months to give solids to bfed babies, but its made such a difference that I don't feel bad. He's adjusted very well with no digestive problems. I started with a little in the morning so he'd quit cluster feeding all morning (which worked) and now I give a little at nite as well. He's still boobing quite a bit (which is good...I don't want to replace nursing by any means), but its not urgent feeds every hour or so, which is nice. His nites are back to being good, and his napping has been great too (except today...I guess he's a little off with daddy and big brother being away). So I feel some guilt, but just a smidge.
- I still haven't taken down my Christmas deocrations. Was gonna today, but wanted a down day since Jon and cael just went back today. So during naps I talked on the phone, replied to emails and surfed instead. :D
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