April 04, 2006

We made it!!

Yes, we survived the trip back East. Barely. It was nice to visit, but hoo boy. I was ready to come home after night #2 of all of us sleeping in the same room. It sucked. But we made it thru. Oh, and its not a good idea to try and make a two year-old walk thru security on hi sown, even with mommy right behind him. Baaaad idea...temper tantrums may follow. Just a warning.

I've been trying to recover since we got back. Got halfway caught up on sleep, only to have the time change take away a whole precious hour of sleep. Dammit.

So, what's happened? Uh... Not much actually. The kids are pretty much the same. Oh, I think Iain has a tooth. No, I'm not 100% sure. I think there's a little nubby on his top gum, but he won't stay still long enuf for me to look, and for all I know, I might be feeling the vertical line on his gum. I figure if its a tooth, I'll be able to feel/see it better in a few days. he's teething like crazy tho. He has two HUGE lumps under his gums on the bottom...the lateral incisors. Why go in the "proper" order? He's almost crawling. For now he's getting around by creeping and is happy with that. Weighed him yesterday...17 lb 12 oz. Oddly enuf, the exact same weight Cael was at 3 weeks older.

Cael is doing well. He was pretty tired out after the trip. Took him a couple of nites to get back to normal. Poor kid...he didn't like sharing sleeping quarters at all. He's learning a lot, as expected. Sings all the time. Alternates from the ABC song, Twinkle twinkle, pat-a-cake, The Wheels on the Bus, 1, 2 Buckle my shoe, Itsy Bitsy spider.... I think that's what he knows. He picks up stuff pretty quick tho and will start reciting some rhyme or other when we least expect it.

As for me...I'm still dead tired and have a feeling I'm getting sick. Just from being so tired and running around like a lunatic. I've had a headache and upset stomach for a couple of days. Just waiting for it to hit me. And I've been working on developing a little business idea. I have no idea if its gonna work, or if I'll even try at this time. More on that another time, once I figure out what I'm doing...

I do hope I still have some readers. I know I've been a less than stellar blogger. And kids are no excuse...other moms do it no problem.

Actually, I have to confess that I may have a slight addiction to eBay. I always find myself on there just looking at scrapping supplies, trying to figure out if its worth it to buy those cheaper clear stamps that you peel and stick on a block, or just bite the bullet and buy the wood mounted rubber ones. And other similar dilemmas. ;) And of course now that spring (!!!!) is on its way, I'll be out doing gardening. I have a lot of perennials that have to be split/moved to make room in my insanely over-crowded beds, and I want to add a few things this year.

OK, apparently the exersaucer is no longer interesting...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Glad you're back and that you survived the trip. We're going south in June and I am dreading the trip with Marco who is full-on into the Terrible 2's (or First Adolescence as I've heard it called). From previous trips, security staff are not really known for their sense of humor so I hope Marco is in the mood to cooperate that day. Anyway, 2 things: I'm curious now as to what the business idea is and also, what kind of perennials? I'm planning my garden (as I do every spring altho it fails to materialize according to plan) and I'm looking for ideas.

5/4/06 09:59  
Blogger ccw said...

Welcome back! Glad you survived your trip.

5/4/06 10:23  
Blogger Amy said...

Hey! Glad you made it back safe and sound! I really wish we could have met up at some point, I would have loved to have seen you all! Things on my end were pretty crazy too... maybe next time! Hope everything falls back into order for you soon, and that you don't get sick. Sooo, what's your cool little business idea? I'm totally interested...

5/4/06 16:35  
Blogger Tanya said...

donna, if you don't already have one, GET A PORTABLE DVD PLAYER. sad to say, but cael watched baby einstein or poko videos for most of the flight.

ccw, tks! have you caved and had a donut yet? you'd die if you were up here...tim hortons has new caramel filled ones. mm mmm. ;)

amy, hey, no worries! reading abt what you've been going thru, it doesn't sound like you'd have been up to travelling...poor girl. and it seems like i'm not getting sick. i think. headache is persisting, but i'm chalking that up to fatigue. ick.

ok, as for the business. its still REALLY up in the air, but it involves a diaper service (with a difference...fitted and all in one diapers along with prefolds) and home-made organic baby food delivery. i have lots of research to do yet, so i have no clue if it will happen. but i figure this is the time. i can take a leave of absence from work and still be guaranteed a position if it doesn't work out. i plan on doing some legwork this w/e at the indoor spring garage sale (donna, you going this year?), talking to the guy who runs the diaper service across the river, and talking to local diaper sewing mamas to see if they could produce a lot of nice diapers for me to use. i have specific features i'm looking for in the dipes, and i seem to recall that the booths i saw last year had some really nice ones that i'd love to use. so i'd be supporting local businesses to boot!

for the food aspect, i'd just do lots of different interesting mixtures, freeze 'em in ice cube like trays (you can get ones with covers that close over each cube) and can deliver to families using the diaper service to start. then MAYBE expand to selling small amts at local stores. i know there are lots of regulations with that tho. and if i start selling in stores, there's the whole bilingual labelling thing...have to watch the bloody language police.

anyway, like i said, just an idea. the odds of me actually DOING it right now are prolly pretty slim.

6/4/06 09:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MMM... I can't wait until my mouth feels a little better so I can try one of those babies out!! (The caramel filled temptations that Tim's is selling!!) Sounds like you have a great idea there - best of luck with it!!

7/4/06 17:29  

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